WearPro has developed our undercarriages by listening to our customers and understanding what they need from their undercarriage supplier.

Our vast experience in undercarriage rebuilds has given us the ability to analyze the failures of the various undercarriages on the market today. This has led to changing materials on various components as well as re-designing components to give the undercarriage a longer life.
WearPro has also developed a patent pending Undercarriage Monitoring System (UCM). This system allows us to offer an 18,000 hour warranty on all components. For more information on what our monitoring system can do for you please visit our Undercarriage Monitoring System page.

WearPro has established proprietary methods for rebuilding many of the common wear components used in mining today. To see how one of our many rebuild programs can help cut costs for your company please contact us today!

WearPro has developed a system for monitoring the internal components on the rollers and idlers for your shovel undercarriages. For more information on this system please visit our Undercarriage Monitoring System page.